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Your Voice Counts


At Holcim Ste. Genevieve, we appreciate the collaborative relationships we have built and continue to

foster. The perspective we gain from the community is important in helping us make decisions at the plant and in advocacy work with local and statewide organizations as well as policy makers. 


We appreciate the Ste. Genevieve county residents who participated in a recent opinion survey regarding our plant’s role in the local economy.


Survey Highlights

Here are some highlights that remind us we are on the same page with our neighbors:

  • More than 85% of Ste. Genevieve county area voters believe the Holcim Ste. Genevieve plant plays an important role in the county’s economic success.

  • Nearly 90% of Ste. Genevieve county voters agree that industrial companies should take steps to improve and protect the environment.

  • More than 88% of Ste. Genevieve county voters support Holcim’s plan to use alternative fuels in the form of scrap tires, plastic or non-hazardous municipal materials to heat the kiln – with 62% strongly supporting this type of plan.


The most important information poll respondents wanted to know about alternative fuels was:

  • What chemicals might be emitted into the air – 22%

  • Would there be environmental impact/harm – 13.9%

  • Will it be safe and clean – 9.2%


Staying Engaged

Through continued engagement with our Ste. Genevieve Community Advisory Committee, fostering

relationships with local residents and businesses and working collaboratively with our suppliers, government officials and regulating agencies, Holcim Ste. Genevieve’s plant team is committed to:


  • Keeping the community informed about how Holcim Ste. Genevieve is striking a good balance between protecting the environment and growing the local economy.

  • Helping the community understand the environmental benefits of using alternative fuel sources to heat the kiln and how emissions and odors are controlled when alternative fuels are used.

  • Providing information to the community about alternative fuel uses, emissions and safety.


As always, your thoughts and ideas are important to us. Please feel free to contact us here.



The Glengariff Group, Inc. conducted a survey of registered voters in Ste. Genevieve county, Missouri.

The 300 sample, live operator telephone survey was conducted on May 11-14, 2021 and has a margin of

error of +/-5.6% with a 95% level of confidence. 31.5% of respondents were contacted via landline

telephone. 68.5% of respondents were contacted via cell phone telephone. This survey was

commissioned by Holcim.

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